With ubiquitous access to all the tenets and traditions of global wisdom and wonder, instant communication and collaboration tools in every modality, and overnight courier service for tangible resources as needed, I believe that it is time to fuse the best aspects of socialization and education into a paradigm of actualization. My wish is to maximize the innate potential in every life.
Embracing the very best of all times, places, and traditions, it is time to re-envision and 'make actual' an effective, adaptable, and sustainable paradigm of human actualization that builds upon the primary socialization of the home and cultivates the unique potential of every human being from 'cradle to grave' so that they may 'transcend' and give back from 'over-full.'
We currently spend all our time, energy, and talent and resources on conventional and alternative models of schooling and education. More resources than ever are dedicated to shaping perceptions of reality via popular culture and social media campaigns. And yet: Time marches on. Budgets are spent. Vision statements are published. Careers are built. Wonderful people come and go.
Having toyed with oodles of innovative ideas without highly effective, adaptable or sustainable implementation, things tend to go on pretty much the same.
For those that remain and, most importantly, those yet to come, there are big questions for billions of everyday people who long to become their 'personal best' and contribute joyfully and productively to the organizations and associations that they give their lives to. Whether they participate out of necessity or choice, with or without expectation of belonging, meaning, or inspirational and evolutionary engagement, the fundamental human questions remain. However lofty they may seem given the status quo, they matter. Urgently! It is vital for this time and all times. People engage with hope and trust that the endeavor will be beneficial and reciprocal for themselves and those they love.
I will always yearn to make the immediate past, present, and future count! Every minute. Every dollar. Every person. Without giving up fundamental human freedoms and flexibility for dystopian data sets, I yearn to know if out beyond the privileged and performative nature of socialization, schooling, and education, a bigger, broader, and more soulfully aligned and integrated paradigm of Actualization will be possible. Can individual human empathy and ethics ever scale in organizational life to honour the hopes and dreams of every child and grandchild (our individual and collective future)?
After all, as Josie Bisset says, 'Dreams come a size too big so we can grow into them.' Let's go!
"The principle goal of education in
the schools should be creating men
and women who are capable of doing
new things, not simply repeating what
other generations have done; men and
women who are creative, inventive,
and discoverers, who can be critical
and verify and not accept everything
they are offered."
Jean Piaget
It's Evolution Time!
A 'New' Pargadigm!
The Best of 'Old' & 'New'
1Primary Socialization
& Vocation
"What we need is a system of
thought that can bind humans
together. . . a system that would
supply our idealistic young
people with something to
believe in."
Abraham Maslow
"When a person can't find a
deep sense of meaning,
they distract themselves
with pleasure."
Viktor Frankl
Lasting Lights & Luminaries
Guides On Our Side
A Growing List
No Longer With Us But Never Forgotten
James Allen
Hans Christian Andersen
Ted Aoki
Thomas Aquinas
Louis Armstrong
Sir Francis Bacon
James Baldwin
Honore de Balzac
William Blake
Enid Blyton
Edward de Bono
Joseph Campbell
Lewis Carroll
Paul Cezanne
Pema Chodrin
Ernie Coombs
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
ee cummings
Charles Darwin
Ram Dass
Rene Descartes
John Dewey
Charles Dickens
Fyodor Doestevsky
John Donne
Will Durant
Max Ehrmann
Albert Einstein
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Erik Erikson
Viktor Frankl
Benjamin Franklin
Sigmund Freud
H.W. Fowler
Robert Frost
Mahatma Gandhi
Theodore Geisel
Chief Dan George
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Kahlil Gibran
Vincent van Gogh
Elizabeth Foster Goose
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
Johannes Gutenberg
Thich Nhat Hanh
David Hawkins
bell hooks
David Hume
Zora Neale Hurston
William James
Thomas Jefferson
Jesus of Nazareth
Carl Jung
Immanuel Kant
Helen Keller
Soren Kierkegaard
Martin Luther KIng
J. Krishnamurti
Maud Lewis
Jean Little
John Locke
Audre Lorde
Martin Luther
Nelson Mandela
Karl Marx
Abraham Maslow
Henri Matisse
John Stuart Mill
A. A. Milne
Maria Montessori
Toni Morrison
Joseph Murphy
Friedrich Nietzsche
John O'Donohue
Georgia O'Keefe
George Orwell
Rosa Parks
Jean Piaget
Pablo Picasso
Watty Piper
Beatrix Potter
Marcel Proust
Bill Reid
Rainer Maria Rilke
Ken Robinson
Carl Rogers
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Oliver Sacks
Heȟáka Sápa (Black Elk)
Charles M. Schulz
William Shakespeare
Thomas Sowell
William Strunk
Rabindranath Tagore
Nikola Tesla
Henry David Thoreau
J R R Tolkien
Leo Tolstoy
Lao Tse
Robert Ulich
Jean Vanier
Leonardo da Vinci
Lev Vygotsky
David Foster Wallace
Alan Watts
Max Weber
E.B. White
Walt Whitman
Elie Wiesel
Oscar Wilde
Mary Wollstonecraft
W B Yeats
and many more!
"Don't ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive,
and go do it. Because what the
world needs is people
who have come alive."
Howard Thurman
"Work is love made visible."
Kahlil Gibran
Folks & Friends
to Follow
Inspirational 'Actualizing' Authors
Robin Barrow
Ashok Bedi
Tom Butler-Bowdon
Gregg Braden
Julia Cameron
Leigh Casler
Deepak Chopra
Paulo Coelho
Annie Dillard
Sherrie Dillard
Ted Dintersmith
Paul Ferrini
Michelle Good
Temple Grandin
James Hollis
Shona Innes
Ann Jonas
Chief Robert Joseph
Scott Barry Kaufman
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Annette LeBox
Ursula K. Leguin
Bruce Lipton
Max Manen
Carol McCloud
Wes McLeod
Aida Meshaka-Azab
Craig Mitchell
Stephen Mitchell
Yukari Mitsuhashi
Thomas Moore
Martha Nussbaum
Bev Ogilivie
Sylvia Olsen
Judith Orloff
Kathryn Otoshi
Parker Palmer
Todd Parr
Dolly Parton
Katherine Paterson
Robert Perry
Jordan B Peterson
Patricia Polacco
Maria Popova
Peter H. Reynolds
Miguel Ruiz
Cynthia Rylant
Leslie Stein
Murray Stein
Eckart Tolle
Neale Donald Walsch
Keith D. Walker
Selma Wassermann
Jody Wilson-Raybould
Irvin D. Yalom
and many more!
Leaders have vision. Nonleaders do not.
Leaders have a vision of a better future
for themselves, their families, and their
organizations. They can see an ideal
future in advance. They then work
to make it a reality in the present."
Brian Tracy
"Let's move beyond the agro-
industrialist mindsets and business
models of the past to an engaging,
dynamic, just, and true Actualization
paradigm that nurtures true belonging
and untapped potential for the
greatest and most synergistic
good of all. If not for ourselves, for
our youth--the future."
Kalen Marquis
Wonderful Websites
The Best of the Best
- Bjorn Lomborg
- Boys Town Press
- CG Jung Institute
- Chiron Publications
- Child Mind Institute
- ConnectZone
- Dolly Parton Imagination Library
- Dr. Ross Greene
- Enchanted Lion Books
- Five Books
- Huberman Lab
- John Templeton Foundation
- Judith Orloff
- Multifaith Calendar
- National Citizens Inquiry
- Nu Era Talent Development Group
- Scott Barry Kaufman
- Sixteen Personalities
- The Chopra Centre
- The Daily Om
- The Marginalian
- The Salome Institute
- Trudy Ludwig
- What School Could Be
A Slow & Selective List!
"Well done is better
than well said."
Ben Franklin
"Far and away the best prize that
life has to offer is the chance to
work hard at work worth doing."
Theodore Roosevelt
"If I create from the heart, nearly
everything works; if from the head
almost nothing."
Marc Chagall
"You surrendered and let it all unfold and look how well you have landed. I am absolutely thrilled that after everything you have been through and how you have been tested that you are now on a new path doing what I believe you were destined to do and be."
"Thank you for Kalen Wilfred Marquis--for his loveliness, for his courage, for his support for kids, for bravely walking a path of child-advocacy and using his power heroically to 'uplift and actualize' those who have no voice or choice."
"As ever, you remain one of my favourite people; a paradox. Someone whose humility I always feel should make him proud but someone who pride would not become. Always be you, Kalen.”